The KA75 Power Hammer is a pneumatic hammer that is compact, reliable, and affordable. Air flows through a spring-loaded, three-way valve to an up-cylinder of 2" diameter and a down-cylinder of 2.5" diameter. As the force to raise the hammer is small, a smaller up-cylinder is used for air savings. The larger down-cylinder has 500 lbs. of pressure when operated at 100PSI-inlet pressure. At rest the ram is up with 10.5" of open space; when the foot pedal is depressed, the ram lowers. A slow action on the pedal gives a light blow; a fast motion gives a hard blow. Tapping your toe gives a cycling repeating action for drawing or texturing. The machine does not go into a run mode by itself.

The elimination of the automatic run cycle is what makes the air consumption so low. A small single stage 5 HP compressor will run the machine at 50% duty cycle. A two stage 5HP machine will provide all the necessary air needed for production work. Many times a single blow is all that is needed for a job. This is hard to get with run type hammers and is where the KA75 excels. For punching holes, cutting, bending and swaging it duplicates a striker with a sledgehammer.